Saturday, February 2, 2013

6th Bead Soup Blog Party

Astonished !  That is the best description I can give to the invitation from Lori Anderson to join her Bead Soup Group on Facebook.  Then I was accepted to take part in her 6th  Bead Soup Blog Party!

What an honor ! Since this was my first time doing this, and I am a beginning jewelry artist I was very nervous.  A blog party is where you sign up for an event and are randomly matched with a partner somewhere in the world. the 6th Bead soup Party had nearly 400 participants from 45 states in the United States and 25 other countries !

It took me a bit to figure out exactly what was required of me and proceed to get it all together !  Everyone was so friendly and helpful.

I was partnered with Paige Maxim from Readfield, Maine, here in the United States.

This is the soup I sent to Paige

You can go to her web page to see the creations she made from these ingredients

                                       Paige Maxim, Paige Maxim Designs

Here is the delightful soup I received from Paige

I will be the first to admit I am a beginner in jewelry making.  I have taken a couple of simple classes from a local lady and watched the videos on the internet,  bought a few magazines and  studied all the photos. I have done some basic stringing, following the instructions as best I can.  Paige had included a spool of wire ..... that means  ... wire working, wire wrapping !  I have never done any of that. Several email conversations with a wonderful lady in Washington and I started my first attempts at it.  Ended up cutting a good deal of that up and starting over. all part of the learning process.  In the end I was starting to get the hang of letting the tools do the work and just being the guide.

I received generous portions of Chalcendy , Lucite flowers, plastic flowers, swarovski crystals,a clasp from LynnDavis made of PMCL Bronze, carnelian,a ceramic butterfly created by RoundRabbit, vintage Lucite Moonglow rounds, Brazilian sodalite, and a spool of wire.

Here are the items I created.

Up close look 

That was the first set, Also made this  set...

And was so excited I made another set ...

And then attempted to make bracelets.

Bracelet making seemed like it would be so easy .  Phhfffttt not so !

I have taken the blue and white one apart and redone it at least 9 times now and still not happy with it.

All in all, I had a grand time, learned SO much from this adventure.

Thank you so much
 Lori Anderson for the invitation to the wonderful world of jewelry creating and blog hopping,
Ann B for all the wonderful help and patience - could not have done it without you,
Paige Maxim for the bead soup and the challenge.

You can find the reveals of other participants here:


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